Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a funny thing ran thru my head on the way to work...

i have a new favorite song, and on the drive into work, listening to that song, this morning i realized the surreal life i sometimes live. i was so absorbed in the feelings and emotions the song brings to me, i felt my drive to work was like a virtual reality ride. i am driving thru space with no connnection to it. subtract the cold feel of skin and i don't think i could even convince myself i was outside. and then 20 minutes later i was running on a treadmill with the same feeling. cause you are running but not going anywhere. ok so perhaps it isn't the same feeling, in truth it is the opposite feeling. on the drive i was moving and didn't feel like it, and running i wasn't moving but felt like i should have been. 

i think i am so aware of this because i know my life is so liquid right now, and it would be easy to fall in to a life of non-reality, just living in the created niches and coasting thru the real world with a song or drink. that isn't to say i am affraid of my alone time, just completely aware of what i am capable of. 

ok enough for tonight... more to come! 


Friday, January 30, 2009

the journey is the destination...

so my new year's resolution was to have 200 days of "activity" this year. i qualify a day as active if i do a sport or an aerobic workout for 45 minutes. so after one month i am on the path to success, but is it sustainable? it is fair to say snowboarding bangs up on the body a little more than going for a run, so perhaps the winter will be rougher on my body. but getting a little older these days (and a year older in a few days) i am definitely feeling the effects of this month. i am hoping my body adjusts and gets used to things, or i might have to refine my resolution, by the request of my body. my one caveat to the resolution was that i didn't want define success for this but whether of not i reach the goal, but to enjoy all 200 days of activity. so keeping the physical health in mind and the enjoyment factor, i am optimistic i can be successful... so far! 

Saturday, January 17, 2009


with so much change in the air, i felt a new outlet might do me some good. no one wants to read a blog about wanting to start a blog, so this one will be short. if you were looking to read a blog about starting a blog, then go get a drink.
